Recent Articles and Sermons

R U Woke? Part 23


The Minor Prophets

by Pastor Jim Jester

May 28, 2023



First of all, the minor prophets are not “minors” — they are adults. [I couldn’t help it…] They are called minors simply because of the length of their writings. They each are just as significant and important as the major prophets. And, like in a church, we all have our contributions to the whole.

As you will see, not all of them have anything to say of racial significance; other than what has been translated as the word “Jew,” which is a racial term. Of the twelve minor prophets, only one contains the word “Jew;” and of course there it is a wrong translation.

Dispensationalism vs. Christian Identity Theology - Part 5


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 21, 2023

Scripture Reading: Luke 13:6-9

Christianity is not a religion with no disagreements.  It is full of them.  Here are some examples. 

There are churches that teach that:

  • The earth is flat,
  • The universe is only 6,000 years old,
  • There were no giants on the earth; Goliath was only seven or eight feet tall,
  • There were dinosaurs on the earth, but there are churches that don’t know exactly when they were on the earth,
  • Noah’s flood was world-wide; the earth’s population was reduced to eight people 4500 years ago,
  • The entire population of the world lived in the land of Shinar and spoke only one language about 4300 years ago,
  • All creatures of the earth are created equal,

Idol Chatter - Part 1


by Chris Rue

May 14, 2023

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 1:1

I have been informed by our Pastor Elmore that there have been some letters written into the church inquiring into Odinism, and/or more importantly, how to deal with Odinists. First thing I would have you know, they are a blasphemous people. All anti-Christians are blasphemous. Therefore, I do not recommend debating with them, for to do so might cause you to have part in their blasphemy. The Church should seek the Lord’s Will and separate from evil. Strive to be a Holy people unto the Lord,  though at the same time, obey the great commission set out for us by our Master, Jesus Christ after his glorious resurrection, which reads in Mathew 28:16- 20:

Idol Chatter

by Chris Rue

Part 1:  Odism:  Where did it start and how does one fall for this sin of idol worship.  Discussion of skepticism, hedonism, esotericism and neo-platonism.



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 7, 2023

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 8:11:

“And the dove [bird] came in to him [flew back to Noah who was still in the ark] in the evening; and, lo, in her [the bird’s] mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off [from the live olive tree]: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.”

If the waters covered all the earth, higher than the tallest mountain, wouldn’t the oceans cover all the different kinds of trees, including the olive tree, in most instances by many miles?  Wouldn’t the flood destroy all vegetation with its salt derived from the oceans?  So, how could the dove, fly from the ark and retrieve a live olive leaf shortly after the flood, if all the trees and all the vegetation had been destroyed for over a year?

Genesis 7:4: “For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.”

According to this mistranslation, does it mean that the flood was world-wide?  That there were no giants, no evil seed line and no one else left alive on the earth?  That there were only eight people, of the same race, on the earth just 4500 years ago?



by Walter Giddings

April 30, 2023

Scripture Reading:  2 Corinthians 5:1-5 

(Matthew 7:13-14).  Does the mainstream media love The Truth?  Does the mainstream church preach The Truth?  Does Jesus equate The Truth to himself?  Is the word mainstream equivalent to the broad “way that leadeth to destruction”? 

       p    13 Enter ye in at the strait gate:  for

              wide is the gate, and broad is the

              way, that leadeth to destruction,   

              and many there be that go in thereat :

       c     14 Because strait is the gate, and nar-

              row is the way, which leadeth unto

              life, and few there be that find it. 

                                                        Matthew chapter seven. 

“Few there be that find it.”  Why so few?!!  Would The God of our Fathers fail to admonish us; would He fail to warn us?

R U Woke? Part 22



by Jim Jester

April 23, 2023


Daniel is said to have descended from the royal family of David, a true Israelite. He was carried into the Babylonian captivity when he was very young, in the fourth year of King Jehoiakim of Judah, in 605 BC.

The ten northern tribes had long been taken away in the Assyrian captivity, never to return to the land of Israel as a whole. The siege of Judah by the Chaldeans covered many years. While King Jehoiakim had been captured, the city of Jerusalem with subsequent kings remained until the final assault by the Chaldeans in 586 BC.

Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon (the Chaldeans) and did not know the God of the Israelites. Through the events described in the book of Daniel, the king came to “praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven.”

It is fully established that it was Israelites (not jews) who were captives of the Chaldeans in Babylon

Kingdom of Heaven

by Alan Breitenstein

Presented in 2 parts on April 16 and April 23, 2023

Audio not available.

Ask and you shall receive. I asked what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. Sometimes in order to figure out what is in the Kingdom you must see what is not in the Kingdom. I am going to play Walt and ask questions. 

Could the Kingdom of Heaven be compared to the 40-year journey that our ancestors made in the wilderness?  So, in comparing the Kingdom of Heaven to the journey in the wilderness what are the similarities?

God is and was there.  Need there be anything else?  The Israelites had everything they needed to sustain. What was it that irritated the Israelites about God? Maybe we can answer that question.

Golden Calves - Part 2



by Garry Maddux

April 16, 2023

Opening Scripture Psalm 49:12-20

Like today the modern Israelites are under punishment again. We have also followed the ways of Jeroboam.

After the death of Solomon, the 12 tribes were split (Judah, and Benjamin), and the other 10 northern tribes were. Jerusalem was the capital of Judah and Sechem was the capital of the northern tribes. Jeroboam was made King of the Northern 10 tribes while Rehoboam was the king of Judah.

The story of how Jeroboam came to power...
