Don Elmore Sermons

The Great Error of Marxism


by Pastor Don Elmore

August 5, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 7:1-4

What happened to America?  When we were young, things were a lot different:  no illegal drugs, no rock and roll music, no dirty movies, no sexual revolution, no massive unpayable debt problems, no locked doors in many of our neighborhoods, no open homosexuals on television and movies, no same-sex marriages, and our families were not being torn up by divorce, and our moms were staying home with their children, etc.  It didn’t just “happen.”

During the last half-century, someone stole our culture!  And they replaced it with a new and very different one in its place--a sleazy and decadent place in which we live today.  The story of “how” and “why” is one of the most important parts of our nation’s history—and practically almost no one knows the story.  And that is the way our enemies what it to be.

The Olympics: Showcase of the New World Order


by Pastor Don Elmore

July 15, 2012

Scripture Reading: Revelation 12:9-10

I will begin by quoting from a book written about Freemasons.  It tells a great deal about who is/was a Freemason and the deeds that they did or accomplished.  It also tells that symbols “play a key role in the world of Freemasonry.” 

I will begin by quoting what it says about some of the symbols of Freemasonry:

All seeing eye:  a diffuse symbol that can be traced back to ancient Egyptian mythology, for Freemasons the eye in a triangle surrounded by radiating beams of light is a symbol for the ‘Great Architect of the Universe.’”

Pillars:  the two pillars that adorn the entrance area of the meeting room in lodges refer to Jachin and Boaz, the pillars of the Temple of Solomon.  They are expression of justice and benevolence, and thus the cornerstones of humanity.”

Light:  every Freemason is a ‘seeker of light,’ while those not yet initiated are wandering in the dark.  Light is thus the symbol of initiation.”

We will get a few quotes about their involvement in the American Revolution and the founding of this nation:

Jeremiah's Denial


by Pastor Don Elmore

July 1, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 30:10-11

We are living in very changing and dangerous times.  The main law enforcer of our nation (Eric Holder) was found to be in contempt of Congress and the Supreme (?) Court of the United States ruled that Obamacare is a tax and therefore is constitutional by a vote of 5-4.  Remember that the Secretary of the Treasury owed the I.R.S. $31,000 that he had to pay before he could take up that office.  Does anyone still believe that the Constitution of the United States is divine?

A lot of the western United States is burning up with uncontrollable fires and the northern part of Florida is under flood conditions.  About 2/3 of the United States is having temperatures between 95-108 degrees.  June was LGBT month in the United States.  In Israeli, they crowned their first “Miss Holocaust Survivor.” I don’t know how they got any contestants if it was a genocide camp as they claim.  I think that our God is judging America and the rest of the Israel nations. 

We will go back in time and study a time in history where we can gain some strength.  We will go back almost 3,000 years when those who were Israel were living in just about as bad a situation as we are today.  And it was when the LORD God asked Jeremiah a question that he answered with an emphatic No!

The Big Flaw in the Bible


by Pastor Don Elmore

June 24, 2012

Scripture Reading: Acts 12:1-4

We have been blessed to have some of the best preachers in the world come to our church; Pastor Everett Ramsey, the late Arnold Kennedy, Pastor Ken Kemble, Brian Jones, and William Finck are  some of the many examples of men who have visited with us.  These men are men whom God has given the ability to search the Scriptures and to tell what they have been taught; no matter what the people think about it.  I don’t mean this negatively, but they put out what they know and leave it up to the people to believe in it on their own time.  They know that it is our GOD that gives the increase.  This message will expand on one of the topics that these men believed and taught. 

There are two major errors in misunderstanding or misinterpreting the meaning in Scripture:

  1.  Not understanding the context of the message,
  2.  Mistranslation of the word or words.



by Pastor Don Elmore

May 27, 2012

Scripture Reading: Acts 20:16

We learned last week about one phase of the Roman Catholic Church Menace.  They substituted one Simon Peter, “Simon the Interpreter,” for another Simon Peter, the apostle of Jesus Christ; as their first pope, a so called 'apostolic succession.'  This is an important doctrine, for if they are wrong on this—then their church is false. 

They are wrong; for Peter is never in the Bible mentioned about being in Italy, but was a minister to the circumcised (the Judahites, the House of Judah) not the uncircumcised (the Gentiles, the House of Israel), which were the ones who were mainly in Rome.  But there was a Simon who had a statue made of him in the Pantheon with the title of Holy God; who was buried in a pagan cemetery in Rome and who was well known as a sorcerer and a worker in witchcraft—this is their first pope.  

America's Disastrous Choice


by Pastor Don Elmore

May 13, 2012

Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:17-21

What is wrong with the Christians in America?  Have they lost their minds?  Where is the uproar of their disapproval over who the candidates are for President?  It’s like all the mistakes made in the 9/11 diabolical and still most Americans believe that it was the nasty Muslims that flew the planes into the towers.  It doesn’t matter to most Americans that building #7 came down at around 5:30 PM that same day in the same manner as the two twin towers; free falling (47 stories in 6 ½ seconds) and the building was not hit by any airplane!

Does speaking the truth make one an enemy in America?  It apparently is in this former Protestant land.  And so is this Scripture: 

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who secretly shall bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.  And many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of;” 2 Peter 2:1, 2.

As prophesied by Lord Cornwallis at the treaty meeting at the end of the Revolutionary War, the churches of America would “be used to teach the Jew’s religion.”  It been over two hundred years since these words were first spoken, but this prophecy has been proven true.  Almost all of the churches of America are teaching doctrines which are suicidal and opposite to what was taught in Christianity just a few generations ago.

No Good Choice


by Pastor Don Elmore

April 22, 2012

Scripture reading:  Samuel 8:11-20

Lord Cornwallis’ statement to George Washington at the surrender of the Revolutionary War was very revealing:

“A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government…All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing-eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry” Legions of Satan, Jonathan Williams.

Barak Hussein Obama is our present President; or is it Barry Sorento?  But the very basic things about him, we don’t know and are forbidden to find out. We are not even sure who his father is…except that he is a bastard (mixed raced) son. There are arguments of whether he is a Christian, Muslim or even a Jew!  According to our beliefs, he can’t be a Christian because he is a racial stranger to the covenants that God made with His people. He should be disqualified for being even a candidate for President because of Deuteronomy 17:15.

The Strangeness of Mormonism


By Pastor Don Elmore

April 8, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Galatians 1:10-14

The British General, Lord Cornwallis, following his surrender to Washington in the Revolutionary War, made a last-ditch effort to salvage his ego; divulged the hidden agenda of the Edomite bloodlines by declaring to Washington:

“A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.

Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

The Founding Fathers: Were They Christian?


By Pastor Don Elmore

March 25, 2012

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 15:11-18

What were the religious beliefs of the Founding Fathers’ of the American Revolution and the formation of our new nation? Some say they were basically Christian; others say they were basically humanistic; others say a few were Christian—what is the correct answer?

Mormons in the White House


By Pastor Don Elmore

March 11, 2012

Scripture Reading: Mark 7:1-9

Who was the first Presidential Candidate who was murdered in the United States while he was running for the office?  There have been several Presidents who were assassinated while in office; a few who had suffered several bad wounds, but this question refers to a Presidential Candidate who was killed before the election. 

Before I answer this question, let’s consider the Republican Candidates who are left in the election for 2012.  There are serious questions about Mitt Romney’s religious beliefs, that I have heard absolutely none reported by the news media.  Rick Santorum is a Roman Catholic.  Santorum is a congregant of the Opus Dei-linked St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church in upscale Great Falls, Virginia which links him to former FBI director Louis Freeh and organized crime. 

Newt Gingrich is a Marxist/Leninist Communists traitor and revolutionary.  Ron Paul just isn’t going to win.  On the other side, is another communist, but he is not even a citizen.   They have America right where they want her.  No good choice!

I will give you a clue that the first Presidential Candidate that was murdered was a Mormon; do you know who it was?  Let’s look at all the Mormon candidates for President who have run, going in reverse order of the year in which they ran:

Can't Vote For Romney


By Pastor Don Elmore

February 26, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Galatians 1:6-9

“The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints is unique among all the religious cults and sects active in the United States in that it has by far the most fascinating history, and one worthy of consideration by all students of religions originating on the American continent. 

The Mormons, as they are most commonly referred to, are divided into two major groups.  The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, Utah, and The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, with headquarters in Independence, Missouri” The Kingdom of the Cults, Walter Martin, p. 147, have a combined membership of close to 15,000,000.



by Pastor Don Elmore

February 12, 2012

Scripture reading:  I Thessalonians 2:14-16

Have you ever wondered about the hyphenated words:  “Judeo-Christian” or “Judeo-Christianity?”  Can you find these terms in the Bible?  Does it mean that Christianity owes its existence to Judaism?  That Christianity came out or is a splinter group of Judaism.  Was Jesus Christ a Jew?  Were the Apostles Jews?  Were the early churches Jews?  Isn’t that what is implied by the hyphen?

Super Bowl Halftime Entertainment


by Pastor Don Elmore

January 29, 2012

Scripture reading:  Leviticus 24:15, 16, 23

Israel failed to exterminate the Canaanite/jews when they went in the Promised Land. As a result of their failure to obey God, Israel were told not to kill them any longer. They were to let them live, but they were also to continue to not marry any of them or to make any covenants with them—for they were to be a test for them.

If Israel married any of them, they were told that they would serve their gods, not the other way around. That is, if they married them they would not or could not serve the God of the Bible; the God of Israel. The Canaanite could not ever serve our God. What were these people like? How different acting were they from Israel?

Whom Did God Choose?


by Pastor Don Elmore

January 15, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Joshua 24:31

In the Answers in Genesis booklet, “How Can I Become a Child of God?” they divided the small booklet into several divisions.  For example, it starts out with the topic Creation, followed by Corruption, Confusion, Christ, Cross and the Consummation and then two pages entitled the same as the booklet.  They make the same basic divisions in their museum.

In the page titled, Confusion, it makes two very big assumptions:

Joshua 4: The Two Twelve Stone Memorials


by Pastor Don Elmore

January 1, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Joshua 3:1-7

Today we have a lesson that most of the Judeo-Christian churches would tell its congregations that it is about other people; that it is NOT about them—it’s about the Jews. But I will tell you just the opposite. This is a story about our great-great-great-great? - grandparents and how their GOD kept His Word to them and also to us. It is a marvelous historical happening that I hope will increase your faith in God; for our God is the same one who they had, who acts in the same way that He acted in this saga.

This is a true story; not a myth or some fancy story line. Everything in this tale is true—and there were monuments built to keep this saga in the mind of the children to tell them about what happened and to keep the story alive. It is a small part of the fascinating historical event of Israel’s journey to the Promised Land.


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